Български English Russian German Românesc

The web-based online data entry platform is designed for all companies conducting marketing and sociological surveys through direct personal interviews (CAPI) or of the "Mystery Shopper" type surveys, retail chains, exploring customer satisfaction; companies that create databases on selected indicators for monitoring goods or retail outlets, etc.). The platform enables this to be done online, in real time, through the use of mobile communication devices (tablets, smartphones): it is enough to just connect to the platform and the data is immediately entered in a centralized database.

With a user-friendly interface, each user can create questions and indicators for their project on their own. It is possible to create users with different access rights to the platform: from field workers who only collect and transmit information, to experts who can work with the resulting database. The created database is exported to Excel or other formats, which allows it to be subsequently processed by the user with various software products: from specialized statistical packages to office applications.

CAPI space
Krasna Kitka Str. 15
BG-1618 Sofia

+3592 855 2400
+3592 856 4941

Language selection: Български English Russian German Românesc